Thursday, May 8, 2008

More about personal information

let's make simple questions related to personal information

Siapa namamu?
What is your name?

Nama saya Alan

Anda berasal dari mana?
Where are you from?

I am from Indonesia

Berapa usia anda?
How old are you?

Usia saya dua puluh enam tahun
I am 26 years old

Apa pekerjaan anda?
What is your job?

Saya mahasiswa
I am a university student

Anda kuliah dimana?
Which university do you go to?

Saya Kuliah di Universitas Honolulu

Apa hobi anda?
What is your hobby?

Saya suka jalan-jalan dan menikmati matahari terbenam*
I like travelling and enjoying the sunset

*Not matahari Tidur ( hi Aurelie :-) )